ECBB 2024

πŸ“… Save the dates: September 19-21, 2024!
Join us for the “4th Edition of Euro-Global Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering”, organized by Magnus Group.
We’re excited to announce that #GiuseppeTancrediPatane from the University of Messina, Italy, will be one of our distinguished speakers.
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to be part of something truly remarkable!
πŸ“ Venue: Rome, Italy & Virtual
πŸ“ž Phone: +1 (702) 988-2320
πŸ’¬ WhatsApp: +1 (640) 666-9566

For more details, visit:

#BiotechnologyConference2024 #BioengineeringConference2024 #Conference2024 #Biotech #Bioengineering #EuroGlobalConference #HybridEvent #Innovation #Biotechnology #biotechnologyconference #ecbb2024 #bioengineeringconferencesrome #BiotechnologyConferences #bioengineeringconferences2024 #biotechnologyconferencesitaly #bioengineeringconferencesrome #MagnusGroup

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